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Tennis Ticket Giveaway


We are giving away four tickets to the fantastic PowerShares Series Champions Cup at Honda Center on Friday, Nov. 30 at 7:30 p.m. with tennis greats Andre Agassi, John McEnroe, Jim Courier and Michael Chang competing for the #1 ranked player, with $1 million dollars of bonus pool money on the line for the top three finishers. All you need to do to enter is to like our Facebook fan page. We’ll announce the winner on Monday, Nov. 26.


Maple Youth Ballet


We want to thank this week’s sponsor of the Daily Dose of OC, the Maple Youth Ballet, SoCal’s renowned pre-professional ballet company in Orange County. Their upcoming production of the “The Nutcracker” will be highlight of the holiday season, it features more than 80 classically trained dancers.

Tickets are on sale now for performances on Saturday, Dec. 22 at 2 and 7 p.m.; and Sunday at 3 and 7 p.m. at the beautiful and spacious Northwood Performing Arts Theatre in Irvine. 

Tickets cost only $30 for adults and $26 for children 12 & under and seniors 65+. More information here [url=][/url]

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